Russian center
of forensic medical expertise

March 29, 2025
Russian Center of Forensic Medical Expertise provides scientifically-methodical management of production of forensic medical expertise in the Russian Federation and professional training and improvement of professional skills of state forensic medical experts.

Russian Center of Forensic Medical Expertise is completed with contemporary diagnostic and laboratory equipping, including complex of equipping for DNA-analysis, complex for computer identification of persons.

The State establishment "Russian Center of Forensic Medical Expertise" founded in 1995 in accordance with order of The Health Department of Russian Federation, as a result of joint forensic establishments - The Forensic Science Investigations Institute, which was founded in 1931 and The Main Office of Forensic Expertise.

Russian Center of Forensic Medical Expertise was founded for development of contemporary methods of forensic expertise of living persons, corpses, material evidences, forensic chemical analysis and organization basics of forensic service, and also for extremely difficult forensic expertises for the tasks of justice structures of the Russian Federation.

The dissertational council functions in Russian Center of Forensic Medical Expertise . The dissertational council decides to treat the dissertation on competition of degree D.M. and Ph.D. on the specialty 14.03.05. - Forensic medicine.